These classes are for dancers age 7+ who want:
extra stage time
specialized choreography
& a supportive team environment
WAPA students can participate in an extra one or two LEVEL UP classes per week and these classes focus on competition choreography. The group choreography will be entered into three competitions for the spring. The competitions will all take place on the island (probably two in Victoria and one in Nanaimo). Competitions are chosen in June and announced for the following season.
At competition, groups will be given feedback either in person or by video recording and given a placement based on their mark. Competitions are high energy environments where dancers can meet others, watch lots of dance and enjoy the thrill of dancing on stage.
2025-2026 LEVEL UP Class schedule TBA May 1
Studio Values:
Creative Exploration
Creative Exploration is the base of all our movement, artistry, choreography and studio visions. Fostering a creative outlook for everyone at WAPA invites out of the box thinking, ideas and integration. Creativity is a prominent life skill of the future
Wholehearted Community
WAPA’s wholehearted community strives to lead by example, nurturing all people around them and consistently adding new training methods that bring out the best in each dancer. Take the leap and soar knowing you have the whole community cheering you on!
Integrity Promise
We promise to uphold the integrity of our dancers, our quality of training and our business practices. Everyone can rest easy knowing we are all treated in a fair and individual way.